
To be in stillness and enjoy the present moment helps us to clear the mind from the constant thought pattern of our day- to- day activity. Just like a cluttered closet, which needs a cleaning in order to find what you need, the mind, too, needs clearing for one to have access to clarity of thought. When you can do this, you are better able to tap into your own intuitive guidance- the voice of the Divine.

Meditation is the practice of quieting the extra chatter of thoughts, and connecting to the presence of your true essence. There are many, many techniques to guide us to stillness within our present moment. To do this, we use the tools we have, our senses as well as the mind itself to create a point of concentration. The ancient, Sanskrit word for this is drishti. Our drishti may be to focus on the rhythm and movement of the breath, or sounds and vibrations around us. An internal repetition of a particular mantra is another tool that helps us to drop deeper within ourselves, our essence. The use of various visualization techniques, too, creates a path to shift awareness into a deeper state of consciousness. These techniques and tools listed above are only a sample of how one may choose to access a deep level of presence, which brings one to a higher vibration of awareness, and tranquility.

Creating a sacred space, and making a ritual out of your meditation is helpful, and also feels really good. Lighting a candle, the use of essential oils, burning incense, and playing appropriate music are sensory enhancers to help us feel the connection of being in a meditative state. Also, having crystals near by, or physically present in your hands or on your body, is a powerful way to experience inner connectedness. The healing properties of crystal vibrations keep us grounded and connected to the earth, and simultaneously lifts us energetically to higher realms of awareness.

Practicing meditation is an exploration- a little bit of an internal adventure in personal evolution and insight. Remember to have compassion for yourself, and be free of any expectations of what your meditation should look like. Allow yourself to just BE, and enjoying being.

You can find in the store a guided meditation tiled, Energy Shift. This is a focus on the unseen energies within and around us. Also available are two free downloadable meditations. Sensory Meditation, which guides us to connect with the present through awareness of the senses. Crystal Meditation is used along with the Crystal Meditation Kit, or your own crystals as a guide to feel into the soft, healing properties of the stones. 

Contact Susan

Ph : 512-964-4554